Saturday, November 29, 2008

I'm Thankful for Gratitude and Hope...

This time of year we all reflect on what we are thankful for. Even though many are facing challenging times, the luckiest of us have the capacity to be thankful. Few however, know how incredibly powerful gratitude can be. Gratitude is nature's greatest equalizer. No matter who you are, how much you have, where you came from, you can conquer sadness, depression and stress (among other things) by choosing to be thankful. Greater than any antidepressant, gratitude is the ultimate cure because sadness and gratitude cannot coexist in the same space at the same time. In other words, sadness cannot exist in a grateful heart.
Gratitude also puts us on a path to attract abundance unlike anything else.

Hope is sometimes more challenging for us. We are often bombarded by the "news" and it's "predictions" of extended recessions, increasing layoffs, disappointing shopping seasons, and the like. It's easy to not only lose sight of what we have to be thankful for, but to find hope of greater things to come.

I think Andy Andrews says it best (from

In addition, I have discovered proof of hope that has consistently lifted my heart, mind, and spirit to a point of forward motion. Very simply, it is this:

* Even in the worst of times, I must remember that I am still breathing.
* If I am still breathing, that means that I am still here.
* If I am still here, that means that I have not completed what I was put here to do.
* If I have not completed what I was put here to do, that means that my very purpose has not been fulfilled.
* If my very purpose has not been fulfilled, that means that the most important part of my life has yet to be lived.
* If the most important part of my life has yet to be lived, then it doesn't really matter how old I am or how broke I am, how long I've tried or how depressed I might be ... Here, at last, is proof that the best part of my life is ahead of me! Without a doubt, there is more laughter to come, more success in my future, more children to teach, more friends to influence. There is more.

There is more ... and the promise is proven by the simple fact that I am still breathing. I am still here.

for this perspective, for this hope, and for the generosity of Andy Andrews for posting it, and my ability to receive it, I am thankful.

Monday, November 17, 2008

How Many Times Did You "Should all over yourself" Today?

The concept that we often "beat ourselves up" is hardly a new one. But, over the past few days I've noticed how much people who are very much into "self improvement" do this. It's ironic to me that in the quest for "enlightenment" and reaching a "better and healthier self", we tend to beat ourselves up even more! Which stresses us out, and makes us feel bad, and self defeating is that?

In the current "economy", it is certainly easy to do! Whether you have been laid off, are worried about being laid off, or are a business owner trying to figure out how to make it all work, it's enough to stress out even the most zen among us!
I recently was on a group coaching call and the lady that I listened to ran through an entire litany of not only how she wasn't doing what she should be doing to improve her business, but also all of the things that she should have done during the "boom years".
I spoke with someone else today who was recently laid off, and figuring out what to do next. As if that isn't enough to think about, he was commenting on how he was eating and drinking things that he shouldn't.

We all do it without even realizing it! For the last two weeks I've been all about how much more "productive I should've been".

Here's another irony- I just did a video on "stepping in poop" and here I am blogging about how we "should" all over ourselves! HA! I see a pattern here...

Should this, should that...all day long, day after day! We aren't just stepping in it! We are picking it up and carrying it around with us every where we go. And it's garbage... Okay, I'll say it (pun intended!), it's crap! It doesn't serve us, and most of what we "should about" is someone else's idea of what we "should do" anyway! It's all a story we made up based on someone else's "issues"!

"They" say this and "they" say that. "They" say that we shouldn't eat certain foods, "They" say that we should be stay at home moms, or have a career. "They" say that we should have this, or accomplish that. Most of it's not even real! Most of it is just someone else's crap!
It reminds me of something that I wrote earlier this year. It kind of "sums it all up" (see below).
Read it, then make your own list of all the "shoulds" in your head. After you laugh at the absurdity of it all, mark out all of the ones that you refuse to buy into, and keep only the ones that truly reflect what matters to you! Then work on those, remind yourself that you are human, and therefore imperfect, but that you are getting better and better every day! And vow to never "should on yourself again!"

Changing the Story
Our lives are filled with stories.
Some we read, some we hear.
Most, we make up.
As little girls we read about princesses with knights in shining armor.
As women we read magazines full of “perfect women”.
They seem so real that they become ”our” reality
We try to escape our own “reality” by watching stories on TV about like survivor and Desperate Housewives.
We eagerly watch people on the news fighting against crime, and hunger, and war
We try to fill our souls with these stories about other people doing great things and making a difference.
We do this because our stories are not as exciting.
Because the story that we tell ourselves is:
“I’m not enough”
“I’m not amazing, or beautiful or glamorous or brilliant”
“I can’t handle this!”
“I’m completely stressed out”
“I’m just a mom”
“I am SO unorganized”
“I am broke”
“I have stretch marks, cellulite & fat thighs…”
“I don’t do everything that I am should to do…”
Well, let’s see…if we did everything that we “should”, what would that look like?
We would have to eat healthy foods, grown organically on a free range (whatever that is), not cooked in plastic or aluminum. Preferably vegetarian (or do plants have feelings too?).
We would have to know whether our body’s need for calcium is greater than the perils of consuming dairy.
We would have to do the dishes while conserving water, while saving the landfills by not using paper plates.
We would have to go to the gym without spending too much money, neglecting our husbands, or our work, or our kids and still have time to cook, clean, do laundry and take a shower.
We would have to drive ourselves and everyone else to work, school, the grocery store, and soccer without perpetuating global warming.
We would have to follow a 20 step skin care regime to avoid wrinkles which would cost hundreds of dollars without increasing our debt or using money that should have gone to charity, our retirement, the church, the whales, the hungry, or the homeless.
All of which we would have to do by working at a job that serves a higher good in a business that is environmentally friendly, doesn’t get tax breaks, and employs no one overseas.
We to have a job so that we wouldn’t have to rely on men or welfare & Somehow we would have to do this while being a stay at home mom!
We would have to be beautiful without being vain or using products that are tested on animals or that would harm the environment.
We would have to be erotic and desirable (but only when our husbands wanted us to be).
We would have to avoid skin, breast, ovarian &cervical cancer, a heart attack & stroke by doing a whole litany of things (even though we aren’t really sure what they all are, just that they include consuming flax seeds, green tea, and foods we hate, reducing cholesterol, transfats & oh yeah, stress!)
We would have to clean house every day and keep it spotless using only organic products that don’t work as well, but won’t kill our children or the rain forests.
We would have to be amazing chefs and enjoy fine wine and gourmet meals without becoming fat or alcoholic!
No wonder we feed our souls by watching other people’s stories!
Who could do all of that? You would need a magic wand, a halo, flying broom, wings, a cape and a crown! Just thinking about it makes me so exhausted! All I really want is a nap!

I don’t want to fight anything. I don’t want to survive anything!
I want to learn and grow from all of the glorious blessings this life offers!
I want to inspire peace, love and respect (& if I can only do it in an 8 year old, so be it!)
It’s time to stop watching the story, reading the story or hearing the story…
It’s time to change the story…It’s time to BE the story!
It’s time to be and to inspire women to be thankful and proud that their” fat, flat, or wide ass” can get them out of bed in the morning, carry them through the day and sit them down to that wine and gourmet meal without any guilt!
It’s time for women whose stories aren’t about how they simply survived, but about how they victoriously overcame!
It’s time for more women to have stories like my grandma. Women who will stand up and say, “I don’t care if everybody likes me! No matter what I do, EVERYONE won’t anyway! In someone else’s mind I will always be too fat or too thin, to stern or too nice. That is THEIR story. By making a difference, doing what’s right, standing up for what I believe in, and standing up tall, with my head held high, they will at least respect me”…
That will be MY story, and that will be enough.

February 23, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

Taking Action

It is my opinion that all too often, people choose to do nothing. I even spent a couple of weeks recently thinking about "what to do". I was faced with making some very significant changes in my life, and although we all think having "unlimited possibilities" would be a great thing. It can also be paralyzing! For many of us making a decision is difficult. We think about all of the possible worst case scenarios, second guess our own abilities, blah, blah, blah...So what do we do? NOTHING!

I've often said that "sometimes to be successful, you have to be too dumb to know better!"
I believe that's true. If we would just "pull the trigger" sometimes, without "thinking it all through" and "doing all of the research", we would be better off! But, we've been taught "think it through", "don't make rash decisions", "don't jump the gun".  That would be fine if we also didn't have those voices that say "what if I fail?" "What if I make a fool of myself?" "I'm not that smart" "I'm not good enough". We carry all of those thoughts around every day, and when the opportunity to do something arises, there they are! Ready to jump up and stop us!

A few months ago I had been listening to this Andy Andrews CD (it's my all time favorite, and I've almost worn it out!). It's about "taking action", and so when I came across a Craigslist post that said "puppies die tomorrow" complete with a photo of 7 tiny lab pups and the explanation that they were to be "put down" at a shelter at 4pm the following day, I was haunted by it all night. I thought "I have to do something! How am I going to feel at 4:05 if I do nothing?". I knew that I had very little money at the time, but didn't give it much thought. I just decided! I told my husband, we grabbed a big box, picked the boys up from school, and drove to the shelter an hour away. I also didn't think about the fact that I had a horrible middle ear infection and couldn't stand to be in moving car without incredible motion sickness!
Anyway, while my husband was driving, I got on my laptop and emailed a few friends about the puppies asking if they knew of anyone who could take one. My emails were forwarded to more people than I could even imagine! Including an amazing rescue group (Marleys Cat Tales). Suddenly, I was getting emails and phone calls from all over! People I didn't even know were either offering help, or just saying "thanks" for what we were doing. When we got home we had people showing up at our house with supplies, and offering to foster some of them. It was truly surreal!

At the end of the day, we had not only saved 7 precious little puppies, but taught our children that ANYONE and EVERYONE can do SOMETHING to make a difference. And sometimes, it's just a matter of taking a leap of faith! I KNEW that there were enough people in this area and that there had to be some who would want a puppy. I had NO IDEA how it would all work out.

I've heard soooo many times to "just figure out the what, and the how will come". But so many times I still find myself wanting to see the entire plan!

When you find yourself in this "place", watch this video! And remember these words by Andy Andrews, "God did not put in you the ability to always make the right decision. But he did put in you the ability to make a decision, and to make it right!"

Andy Andrews - Joshua Chamberlain

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What Do You Do When You Have a Bad Day?

<embed id="VideoPlayback" src="" style="width:400px;height:326px" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed>