Thursday, July 29, 2010


There are so many lessons that I have learned from Grandma Bobbie.

Here are some of them…

It’s easy to have faith when there is nothing to test it.
It is easy to hate those who do you or others wrong,
It is easy to be strong when there is nothing to weaken you.
It is easy to be pretty on the outside and not so pretty on the inside.
It is easy to be angry, and bitter and blame others…It takes tremendous character not to

She has shown by her example that strength doesn’t come from controlling others, or being better than anyone else.
That beauty has nothing to do w/how many wrinkles you have, or pounds you weigh, and faith has nothing to do with going to church, or how many verses you can quote.
She has shown that being forgiving doesn’t make you a doormat. It requires extraordinary strength!

She has shown that patience is more than a virtue. It is a test of character that most never even attempt to pass.
She has shown that love is about more than flowers, or words.

Love is about being there when it is inconvenient.

Love is about putting another human being before your own wants and needs.

Love is about not staying home “because it’s ‘too hard to see her this way”

She has shown that human will can overcome even that which is deemed ‘impossible’.

She has shown that pure grit and determination can bring you through, no matter what the doctor’s say.

She has shown us that we have far more power than we realize to heal ourselves.

She has taught us that faith, love and commitment mean hanging in long after exhaustion sets in, long after everyone else gives up, and long after everyone says you should.

She has shown that you either have faith, or you don’t. You don’t ‘have faith, but…” You don’t say you have faith, but then plan and prepare for the worst. You can’t say “I have faith, but I am being realistic”. You either have it, or you don’t.

I am sure that there are many many more that I haven’t mentioned here, I hope that you will give these some thought, and that you can take away some pearl from the list.

Please feel free to share yours!

Posted via email from Grandma Bobbie's Hospital Journey...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Facebook 101

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Facebook 101.pdf (1747 KB)

Basic Facebook "how-to's" in PDF format.

Posted via email from Facebook and Beyond